Saturday, August 21, 2010

How to style an inverted bob haircut?

I tried a new stylist and she cut my hair shorter in the back and longer on the sides. The sides are chin length. I have never had a haircut like this, so I have no idea how to style it or with what products. I'm having a lot of trouble with the back because it is so short in areas - I can't use a curling iron or a flat iron. Any suggestions on products or methods to style it?How to style an inverted bob haircut?
My hairdresser, that I have seen for 20 years, just gave me this haircut for the first time. She sold me this hair paste, which really feels like paste but is soft when it holds my hair into whatever shape I move it into. I would recommend buying it...a tiny bit goes a long way so it only seems expensive.

She also showed me that instead of years of blow drying my hair under, to brush it forward while I dry it and then add the paste to hold it like the breeze is blowing it forward.

On top, she showed me to pull an extra piece off from the far side of the part and pull it across the part so its not just a straight line part. In the back, I just kinda bunch it up and leave it straight.

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