I have short layered straight hair with a very slight wave when its close to my neck. I'm having a vow renewal ceremony with my husband in June and I'd like to have a pretty relaxed romantic look. I'd rather not bother with curlers.
What I want is to achieve this look...
with a curling iron but I have no idea what size barrel will do it. Yes, I know its going to take alot of work with a curling iron but I honestly don't know how to use curlers properly so they'll stay in my hair and my hair is so thick its going to require dozens of curlers that I'd rather not buy. The curling iron is just easier for me to use.
Can you help?
What size barrel do I need for soft romantic waves that don't start at the middle of my hair and down. I have no idea why some women seem to think curls should start at the neck.How do I wave my hair?
its a good thing you have a wave to your hair. still use gel (not too strong of a gel though)when drying it and then use a 1inch barrel curling iron. take smaller pieces so that way the curls will stay closer to the head. it will look great being that you have thick hair.
i would try to do your hair with a 1 inch barrel and if you think thats not small enough go down to a 1/2 inch barrel. i really think the 1 inch should be fine-the 1/2 inch might be too tight of a curl.
its a good thing that you are better with a curling iron-if you would have used rollers, you wouldnt get the look like it is in the picture. that was definitely done by curling iron.
after doing your hair-spray it with a soft aerosol hairspray-then flip it a little-dont run your fingers through it. i do my hair like this all the time-running your fingers through it will definitely make it fuzzy.
then just spray again to make sure it will hold and you should be fine.
glad to hear you and your husband are renewing your vows-its romantic. (so you chose a good look) ;)
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